Playwing is an independent Game Developer and Publisher founded in 2017. Our teams, led by experienced game-making professionals, are dedicated to develop passionately innovative and engaging experiences for all platforms.
Passion is where we work, Gaming is where we meet.
Playwing Teams are composed of creative talents focused on delivering fresh and innovative gaming experiences accessible instantly by players.
What we do?
Playwing is a publisher focused creation and distribution of multiplayer, cross-platform, crossplay, and mobile games.
We have different High-quality products with complex logic and different content. We are distributing and we offer different types of markets and targets.
The company has operational offices in Rennes (France), Madrid (Spain), Bucharest (Romania), Kharkiv (Ukraine), and a sales office in San Diego (USA). We also count two partner studios, Mando Productions, in Paris (France) and Shinypix, in Bordeaux (France).
Intro video about Kharkiv Studio: youtu.be/Spv7kHJxWvM